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TSDMGK Nationals are NOW On


30th Annual All Tang Soo Do
National Championships
 Stamford, Connecticut!
July 11 - 13, 2024

Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa

243 Tresser Blvd , Stamford, CT, 06901US

Friday, July 12th: 9:00 am - line-up 9:30 am - Weapons, individual / Team Forms Saturday, July 13th: 9:00 am - line-up 9:30 am - Individual / Team Sparring 4:30 pm - Grandmaster's Awards banquet 7:30 - 11:30 pm - Mingle / Karaoke


See Us at Small Business Saturday Burnett's Country Gardens Sat 25th

Come to our tent at Small Business Saturday Burnett's Country Gardens Sat 25th. Find our more about your local Salem CT Martial Arts School. Maybe today's the day you should start to get your Blackbelt


School Closed for State Championship May 20th 2023

But do not worry. If you want a dose of TSDMGK, come to the state Championship. Featuring not only Forms, Sparring and Weapons, but also the opportunity to see KJN Charles Ferraro. Pre-Registration is over but you can register at the door.

Google Maps Edith E MacKrille School.


Check out the MGK News Letters

Go to our New MGK news letter page Link

School Opens for 2022 Monday Jan 3rd

Start 2022 with a Ki Hap. We open Monday January 3rd 2022 for the first Classes of 2022.

Remember last year? Three students tested for 2nd Degree Black belt - Ee Dan in October. One of whom achieved double Grand Champion at the Zodiac Tournament.

Weekend with The Masters Day 2 10:00 am May V Carrigan Middle school November 13th 2021

State Championships October 23rd 2021

The State championship is taking place in West Haven October 23rd 2021 Click here for more details

Message from the Orange Belts

For our Ee-Dan/ Dan Candidates

Cornerstone is set to reopen Monday June 22nd

Because of Covid-19 our Schedule has Changed for the latest dates check out the Calendar

We hope this finds you and your family in good health and spirits.  We are writing today to discuss Cornerstone's plan to reopen on June 22, 2020.  States around the country have been reopening their businesses with a 3-phase plan provided by the Federal government, based on recommendations from the CDC.

We will be instituting a number of requirements for students and their families who will attend classes at Cornerstone.  These changes will be temporary as we deal with the retreat of this virus and restrictions will be modified based on recommendations from our state's reopening committee.


Here are some of the procedures that will be implemented upon our reopening and your return to your school:


1.  Students should wear a mask to and from the school.  Masks will not be required during training.  For the time being, all students should come to class already dressed in their uniforms.  The changing booths are closed.


2.  Parents will not be allowed to spectate during class times.  They may either wait in their car or drop off students as long as they return on time at the end of class to pick up students.  We will not/cannot permit students lingering around the school between classes.  If you need to speak with an instructor, you will be required to wear a mask and maintain 6 feet social distancing during your conversation.


3.  All students upon entering the school will be required to have the bottom of their shoes sprayed and then placed on the benches.  They will then be required to clean their hands.  They will then be directed to the appropriate spot on the dojang floor where they will be expected to remain throughout the class.  There will be no contact between students, therefore all sparring and partner self-defense practice will be temporarily suspended.


4.  Instructors will maintain the required 6 feet of distance from students at all times.  Instructors will verbally and visually direct students.  Until further notice, there will be no personal contact between students and instructors.


5.  Bathroom use will be limited.


6.  At the conclusion of class, students will be required to wash their hands, put on their shoes, put on their masks, and leave the school.  The dojang floor will then be sanitized.  The next class will be allowed in and they will follow all the rules of #3 above.  This procedure will be followed with every change of class.


7.  All 6-month membership agreements will be cancelled and restarted as of June 22, 2020.  Those with annual agreements will be extended 3 months.


8.  For those who were ready to test or coming up for testing, we will be evaluating each student's capabilities and will be available for extra assistance if necessary to get each student up to speed again.


It is time to get Connecticut and Cornerstone School of Karate up and running again.  We will do safely and in accordance with CDC recommendations.  If you have any questions, please contact us at

860-892-4662 (CSK - call or text)   860-303-9312 (Master Arbuckle - cell)   860-303-7006 (Master Lear - cell)     or email


Modified Class Schedule



5 PM - 545 PM   Kids White Belts

6 PM - 645 PM   Kids Orange thru 6th Green

7 PM - 745 PM   Kids 5th Green thru Dan

8 PM - 9 PM       Adults

NOTE:  Sparring and Black belt classes are temporarily suspended



5 PM - 545 PM   Kids Orange thru 6th Green

6 PM - 645 PM   Kids White Belts

7 PM - 745 PM   Kids 5th Green thru Dan

8 PM - 9 PM       Adults



5 PM - 545 PM   Kids White Belts

6 PM - 645 PM   Kids Orange thru 6th Green

7 PM - 745 PM   Kids 5th Green thru Dan

8 PM - 9 PM       Adults



9 AM - 945 AM   All Kids Ranks

10 AM - 1045 AM   All Adult Ranks

11 AM - 1145 AM   Haidong Gum Do


This schedule may be modified further as we progress.


William A. Lear, Sa Bom               Steven W. Arbuckle, Sa Bom

Coronavirus Notice



“Build Your Foundation For Life Here”

20 Hartford Road, Salem, CT 06420

(860) 892-4662

In order to comply with National, State, and Local efforts to limit the spread of the Coronavirus, Cornerstone School of Karate will temporarily close starting from Monday, March 16, 2020 until Monday March 30, 2020.

At that time, we will re-evaluate the situation and determine if it is safe to re-open.

In the 20 years that we have been operating Cornerstone School of Karate, this is the first time that we have had to close for an extended period. We hope everyone will understand what it is that we are dealing with. We want to re-open as soon as possible and resume normalcy.

We will remain in contact with you by e-mail to keep you updated with the status of the school. You may also check our facebook page: Cornerstone School of Karate  or our website:

It is our desire that all of you follow the recommendations of the CDC as to what you can do to limit or prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.


If you have further questions, you may call the school at 860-892-4662 – we will check in periodically.  Or you may call SBN Arbuckle at 860-303-9312 or SBN Lear at 860-303-7006.


Stay healthy!

Cornerstone School of Karate

Thank you for your interest in Cornerstone School of Karate and Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan, Association, Inc. 

The martial art known as Tang Soo Do is relatively modern. However, its basis, the Korean disciplines of Soo Bahk, and Tae Kyun, dates back many centuries.Tang Soo Do is a composite style influenced by Northern Chinese arts, Southern Chinese arts, and the Okinawan discipline of Karate. Tang Soo Do is considered to be a classical martial art. As an art form, it is primarily concerned with scientific and martial theory, form and aesthetics. Because of it’s martial emphasis, the Mi Guk Kwan is concerned with the natural evolvement of practical and effective self-defense techniques. Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan practitioners care about each other as “family”. As part of the Mi Guk Kwan family, you will experience tremendous growth in knowledge and strength. Your growth will be a direct result of your efforts and the efforts of your certified studio instructors. Your Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Association has a responsibility to provide you with a clean and safe training area, the highest quality instruction and intra-association communication. Your membership card will be accepted at all Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Association Studios in the United States and affiliated studios in foreign countries.

Check for closures wfsb nbc

Greenwich Tournament Cancelled

Due to the COV19 Issues the Greenwich Tournament has been cancelled. Payments will be refunded

Check the website at :

Great Monday Night Class. Thanks SBN Lear

Happy New Year 2020

No Class Tuesday December 17th 2019 due to weather

Drive Safe

Congratulations White Belts

Cornerstone is 20 Years Old

Come to our 20th Anniversary Picnic. Sword Class starts 9:00 am, TSDMGK class starts 10:00 am and the Picnic to follow

Bring training Clothes, Bring a Change of clothes.

Don't forget sunscreen


White Belts with our helpers

Thursday Class

No Classes Saturday March 2nd 2019 Due to Snow

Please travel safely

School Closed Thursday 15th Nov Due to Snow

Check for closures wfsb nbc

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What happens when the rain clears?
